Pastor Michael Bunting Retirement

Sunday 26th May 2024 marked Pastor Michael Bunting’s last Sunday as a full-time Pastor.

After more than 35 years of ministry, he felt the time was right to retire and he chose 26th May as his last Lord's Day in full-time ministry.

Pastor Michael entered full-time ministry as an assistant Pastor at the Whitewell church on 31st December 1988 under the then leadership of our former senior Pastor, James McConnell. He continued to serve God’s people here at this church from then until now.

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During our morning service, Pastor David Purse paid tribute to Michael and thanked him for all his years of service. “Michael Bunting has been a blessing to this house, and Whitewell is better for having Pastor Michael Bunting as its Pastor.” He also wished Pastor Michael every blessing in his retirement and thanked Pastor Michael’s wife, Sheena and his family for the personal sacrifices they undoubtedly made in order to enable Pastor Michael to serve the church here.

Michael responded, “It has been a wonderful honour and privilege to have been part of this great work.” He thanked his many colleagues over the years, and closed by quoting the worship song “The Goodness of God,” acknowledging God’s faithfulness over all the years.

Pastor Michael was thanked by all the church leadership – Pastors, Elders and Trustees.

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Along with his wife Sheena, they were presented with a bouquet of flowers and gifts from the congregation.

You can watch the full service via our On-demand page, and you can watch the highlights clip of Pastor Michael below.

[email protected]
++44 28 9077 7074

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle
837 Shore Road
BT15 4HS
Northern Ireland