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Messages from : November 2020

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Sun, Nov 22, 2020

Undeterred Love

Undeterred Love

Teacher: Pastor Irwin Rea

Wed, Nov 25, 2020

(Pt11) The Bible's recipe for a happy and fulfilling marriage - continued

(Pt11) The Bible's recipe for a happy and fulfilling marriage - continued

Teacher: Pastor David Purse Series: Foundations, Beginnings And Origins Scripture: Genesis 2:21-25 & Ephesians 4:25-32

Sun, Nov 29, 2020

A Man and a Book called Daniel (Pt6) The Monarch, the monument, the music and the meeting

A Man and a Book called Daniel (Pt6) The Monarch, the monument, the music and the meeting

Teacher: Pastor David Purse Series: A Man and a Book called Daniel

Sun, Nov 29, 2020

Lessons from the wilderness

Lessons from the wilderness

Teacher: Pastor Stephen Campbell

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++44 28 9077 7074

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle
837 Shore Road
BT15 4HS
Northern Ireland