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Sun, Jun 30, 2013

The pillar people.

Teacher: Pastor James McConnell Scripture: Revelation 3:11-13

Wed, Jun 26, 2013

Calvary - awful accident or perfect planning?

Teacher: Pastor David Purse Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Sun, Jun 23, 2013

Revelation Chapter 2

Teacher: Jay Lowder Scripture: Revelation 2:1-8

Sun, Jun 23, 2013

Fakes, friends and forgiveness

Teacher: Jay Lowder Scripture: Luke 4:40 & Luke 5:17-26

Wed, Jun 19, 2013

The miracle of the resurrection

Teacher: Pastor David Purse Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

Sun, Jun 16, 2013

Northern Ireland is full of thousands of backsliders and prodigals, why is this?

Teacher: Pastor James McConnell Scripture: Proverbs 14:12-14

Sun, Jun 16, 2013

From also persuaded to fully persuaded!

Teacher: Pastor David Purse Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:12 & Romans 8:38-39

Wed, Jun 12, 2013

This church believes in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.

Teacher: Pastor David Purse Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

Sun, Jun 09, 2013

Seven things that cannot save you and the only thing that can.

Teacher: Pastor James McConnell Scripture: Romans 5:6

Sun, Jun 09, 2013

If you are discouraged come and hear this message!

Teacher: Pastor James McConnell Scripture: Judges 36:33-40

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837 Shore Road
BT15 4HS
Northern Ireland